Wednesday 13 August 2014

Maybe I just wanna be legendary...

Maybe I just wanna be legendary

Treading along gingerly minding my step,
checking my sandals, not want ing to handle
 these sandals on this pebbleley beach.

Looking downwards not upwards, out jumps an anomoly.
Staring right back at me is black ink  against a pebble!!!

All the pebbles in the world how lucky am I, to spot
this lucky pebble that makes me warm inside!

Maybe I just wanna be legendary

Being legendary is not about being famous
like a Beetle man, Paul McCartney.

Being legendary is not about being a professional
like a photographer man, Martin  Parr.

Being legendary is not about being dead
with a bullet in the head.

But maybe, just maybe I wanna be legendary, being alive
and want to fulfil my dreams.